The journey in creating and finding the beauty in Life

The journey in creating and finding the beauty in Life

Fall? Are you here yet???

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's September 2 and it's 92.  Hmpphhh, I'm putting up my fall decorations this weekend--phmpt to mother nature; I want apples, spice, and that crisp coolness.  Sigh...

What have I been up to?  Let's see, sniffling over this one starting K-3--LOL! I told her I was going to put this picture on her wedding table, check out that petulant look ALREADY!  You can barely see her Dr.Suess converse chucks, so sweet :)  Hey, we are into comfort here.  So she is loving her puppies so I had to get her a lunchbag with them on --it says its for boys but who cares at 3--she was absolutely happy with it.

I've been playing with my new set(s) of Copics. Can you say LOVE! Be kind--these are my very first try with the pens.   I still am amazed at being able to blend so well. I've really started to collect stamps and enjoying the ease of making tags with them. 

Ready for my team to start their season tonight, glad to have a break from the never ending work.
I've started to sketch again and working on a new logo for myself and a studio/design name.
What's up in your area?
Till next time,

1 Sweet Thoughts:

  1. Love your sketches...they are ADORABLE!!
    Thanks for the comment on my glad you found me and that my "keep calm & bake on" post made you smile! *wink*


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