The journey in creating and finding the beauty in Life

The journey in creating and finding the beauty in Life


Monday, June 14, 2010

Last Sunday I spent 5 hours putting primer over my ugly brown bedroom walls. I just couldn't live with that color after moving in 3 months ago. Even the white primer is an improvement so this Sunday, little one and I went to the pool for the first time. Let's just say she isn't good with new 'experiences'. This is about as happy as she got going in the 1ft toddler pool at our subdivision pool.

So since that lasted a whole hour; I decided to play the rest of the afternoon and also work on my picture taking with this camera. After a year, I think I figured this Canon out.

Just a simple collage called Happiness:

I tried those flowers that are poping up everywhere. I winged it and love the results.
Another collage--I just love this sentiment, it gives thought that you need to try new things and you may find a new love for something.

A paper mache bunny I've had for years. This baby must be at least 15yrs old. She was in a country style that I was in so to freshen her up I painted her white and placed some vintage style flowers and ribbons on her. She sits on my workbench now. I dried these pretty creamy roses to a perfect shabby beige tone.

I also wanted to share my treasure tin swap with Melissa at PineyRose. She sent the most beautiful tins and the sweetest petite bits. I love everything! Thank you Melissa.

Okay, I'll be back with the Tin pictures--they didn't come out.

Hope you have a great week,

2 Sweet Thoughts:

  1. hi kristen....just wanted to "get to know you better" so i thought i'd stop in. we have A LOT in common mon amie so i am excited to be one of your swap partners for the paris-themed swap! This collage is LOVELY and your "pocket" from an earlier post is stunning! You did a magnifique job on those fabric flowers as well! LOVED THEM! Oh...and your daughter is A-Door-A-BUL!! Will chat soon!

  2. Glad you liked your things, Kris! This was a fun swap. I missed out on the Paris theme swap, and I'm bummed! I would have loved to do that one. Your fabric roses with the pearls are gorgeous! And your little one is such a sweetie!


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